Custom Text Subtask

Use the Custom Text subtask to modify the page description text and instruction text that displays on various pages of the Expense Wizard for the selected expense report type.


Field Description
Locale If the locale you want to update is not displayed, click to select a different one.
Application Name Select the application you want to update. Choose from the following:
  • Expense Report Custom Text
  • Expense Authorization Custom Text
Retrieve Click this button to load the options you selected for Locale and Application Name.

Custom Text

After you click Retrieve, the table the Custom Text table displays pages specific to the locale and application you selected.

Field Description
Page This column displays the name of the Expense Wizard page, for example, Overall Attachments or Location. Each page is listed twice in the table because the top text that describes the purpose of the step is updated separate from the instruction text, which provides brief instructions for completing the step. Wizard pages that can be updated with custom text include the following:
  • Attachments
  • Default Charges
  • Company Due Options
  • Overall Attachments
  • Locations
  • Outstanding Advances
  • Purpose
  • Select Expense Type
  • User Directed Options
Field Description
Suppress For the selected row, select this check box if do not want custom text to display on that page.
Field Description
Text Type This row displays the type of text you are updating. It displays one of the following:
  • Top Text - This text displays in the upper area of the Wizard page, and it describes the purpose of the page.
  • Instruction Text - This text displays in the bottom-right area of the Wizard page, and it provides the user with instructions for completing that step.
Field Description
Default Text This displays the standard (default) text that is provided with Expense module. This text displays if the Custom Text field is blank.
Field Description
Custom Text This field displays any custom text if it exists.

To add text if the field is empty, select the field and enter the text directly in the field.